Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Today is Grant's 23 month "birthday" in Heaven.  Usually I'm a mess on the 14th of any given month; but I'm doing pretty well today.  Of course, it helps when your friends step in and cover you in prayers and love. And when they make things such as this and send them to you:

I just love seeing ANYTHING with Grant's name on it!

Throughout this journey I have read many books on the subject of grief and infant loss.  I wanted to share a poem today, written by a wonderful mother  who is the author of the book, "Logan's Song."  It is entitled "To Logan"; however, today I'd like to put it here for Grant.

We saw your face, we held your body
You seemed so perfect in every way
But we knew we couldn't keep you
You didn't come to stay.
Athough we'll never understand
We must now walk on just by Faith
But we can't wait to see your face again.
When Jesus calls our names.
Praise God we know you'll run to meet us,
In your little robe of white arrayed.
They won't have to introduce us,
You'll recognize us and call our name.
But for now you live in Heaven
And for awhile we must be apart
Though on Earth we can't hold you in our arms,
We'll hold you in our hearts.

by, Libby Stuffle

To all those who are praying for us today and remembering our Grant- THANK YOU.



  1. Just found your blog and wanted you to know that you will be lifted up in prayer. The pain of losing a child so dear to us is unspeakable and knows no end.
    Blessings to you

  2. I will be praying for you tonight, I know how hard crossing dates and anniversaries can be. Keep looking up!

  3. That is a perfect poem! I love it!!!


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