Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Back to School!

The last couple of weeks have been C.R.A.Z.Y. around here.  I have so many topics I could blog about that it's ridiculous. In fact, I have another blog post saved in "Drafts" that I started the other day and never finished.  Maybe that one will resurface in the not so distant future.

I wasn't sure I was homeschooling Jake until just a few weeks ago.  A teaching job came open and then sort of fizzled out- it turns out there weren't enough kids to justify starting a second Kindergarten class.  Thinking that God had dropped this job offer in my lap, I was not super happy with this outcome- however,  I trust that this too is in His plan and He will take care of our needs- including these adoption expenses, in other ways. (um...anybody out there want to buy a couple thousand tshirts? or maybe some coffee?)  Ha!

Last weekend we took a trip to the school store.  We have a Lakeshore store here in our area.  My, oh my, was I back in Heaven!  It made me miss teaching in a bad way! (by that, I mean a whole classroom full of kids) Poor, poor Kris- he thought we were just there to buy a lesson plan book.  As we left the store with a gigantic bag full of bulletin board supplies, stickers, charts, etc he realized he was sadly mistaken. =)  When we got in the car, however, he turned to me and said, "Well, that wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be...we ended up with some discounts I didn't know we were going to get."   It was nice to see that the panic color had returned to his face.

The next afternoon we Kris spent tearing apart the office and making it into a classroom. I couldn't do too much because I had just had surgery the week before, so I concentrated on punching out the bulletin board shapes and some other less involved work.  We finally got it all ready to go in time for school this week; and here is the finished product:

Let the good times roll!!

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