Friday, July 30, 2010

Fundraiser Update

Lately, we have spent a lot of time advertising our Tshirt fundraiser.  However, we do want to remind folks that we are still selling coffee as well.  We have been blessed to be able to find two good fundraisers that are fairly inexpensive for folks who really want to help us; yet they are limited by funds from this economic disaster that we are all facing at this time.

To date, we have sold 12 T-shirts and 13 bags of coffee!  Not too bad, but obviously we are hoping to sell more.  We are confident that God will take of this, because we know that He has chosen us to grow our family through adoption.. He knows our needs, He knows what are finances are; and He will take care of it. So we continue to pray, and to trust.  Please pray with us, that God would lay this on the hearts of His people.

On Monday, August 2, we will be announcing the winner of the Tshirt giveaway.  The winner will receiver a gift card in the mail to the restaurant of their choice. We had so much fun getting this together, and we can't wait to see who wins!

As always, we thank those who have bought tshirts, coffee, donated items to our garage sale fundraiser, or have simply donated their money so graciously.  We believe that adoption is a joint effort; because God has called all of us to take care of the orphans. Thanks for listening to His call.

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