Sunday, August 14, 2011


To my sweet angel in Heaven,

Happy Birthday, son! You would be three years old this year! I am not sure how old you are in Heaven- all I know is that there is no time there and it is never dark. How you must be enjoying that beautiful place! We are so happy for you; yet we still miss you very much.

We will have a small party for you again later today. Grandma and Grandpa will be coming up to help us spend the day remembering you. I can't help but wish you were here to eat your cupcake and blow out your three candles. I wish you were here to chase after your balloons instead of having to catch them in the sky. As much as we all wish you could be here, we know that you would never choose to come back. For you are in a place where there is no pain, no sickness, no crying, and no Trisomy disorders. You are safe and never have to fear about anything. And most importantly, you are loved beyond measure. And because of that, I realize that as your earthly mother I have to be at peace with that. For whatever reason, it is God's plan that you live there and we live here for now.

So until the day comes where we all join you in Heaven, we will rest here-  knowing that you are being well taken care of. You are never forgotten. Your brother remembers you, and he wears his big brother shirt often because he is proud to be your brother. You will always be loved, and honored, and remembered.

Over 40 people are going to be doing something kind for someone else in your honor today. I know that you would be so happy about that. You have touched so many lives. You have helped us all become better people; and in spite of the pain we have suffered in losing you, we will not let it ruin us. Instead, we will take our pain and turn it into good things because we know that this is what you would have wanted.

Thank you for showing us what true love really is. I miss you, sweet boy. Until we meet again...


Your mama

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